Reid International Bioanalytical Forum.

The Cambridge Belfry, Cambourne, UK

13-16th June 2022

Report by Katie Lawlor- Kings College, London

My name is Katie. I am a first year part-time PhD student at Kings College London in Department of Analytical, Environmental and Forensic Sciences.

I am supported in my studies by industrial entities including Analytical Services International, Avantor Sciences and the Drug Control Centre.

My PhD research focuses on opportunities in ultra-rapid bioanalysis. Exploring application limitations including (i) low concentration target analytes (ii) analytes for which stable isotopically-labelled internal standards are available for quantitative assays and (iii) assays which involve extensive and/or selective sample preparation procedures to provide ‘clean’ sample extracts.

These limitations are likely due to factors including: the effect of LC eluent composition and flow-rate on MS/MS response, the complexity of the sample extract (i.e. the amount of remaining sample matrix, and subsequent ionization effects), and the peak capacity when chromatographic separations are taking place on such short timescales.

My work will use a range of exemplar drugs/metabolites with different physicochemical properties to formally evaluate the effects of each of these parameters in different biological sample matrices (blood, plasma, urine) , using different sample preparation techniques (solid-phase extraction, liquid-liquid extraction, and protein precipitation), and with a variety of short LC columns including different column chemistries and different column dimensions, with the aim of providing data-driven, useful, and practical guidance for method development and future applications of ultra-rapid LC-MS.

In recent years with the rise of SARS-CoV-2 the need for ultra-rapid bioanalysis has been highlighted. The ability to turn around results within an hour, or couple of hours from receipt at laboratory means that treatment plans can be adopted quickly. Patient safety is heightened and clinical actions can be taken as soon as possible. The global pandemic has highlighted. Ultra-rapid LC-MS analysis (in which complete injection-to-injection cycle-times are just 30 seconds), makes it possible to analyse at least one 96-well plate per hour. These cycle times are more akin to those of direct injection methods such as flow-injection analysis or other ambient ionisation mass spectrometric techniques, but despite this include efficient chromatographic separation of target analytes.

As I am a first year student, it is very early in both my studies and my career but I was most grateful to receive a student bursary award from the ChromSoc for attending the Reid Bioforum. This is the first conference I have attended.

The programme of presentations were outstanding and inspiring. It reassured me that the research I am undertaking is definitely most current and engaged me in interesting conversations with some of the greats of our time. It was interesting to me, to be exposed to all the different industries and applications of bioanalysis which I have never been exposed to, Chester Zoo as a first, and got me thinking about future career prospects and career paths.

The range of talks including small molecule analysis, large molecule analysis, proteins, chromatography troubleshooting and method development, immuno-assay techniques and development of point of care collection devices (as of only some to mention) were highly informative and great exposure to the current research and developments within the industry.

I think the Reid Bioforum is a great conference for early careers researchers to attend, the content covered is cutting edge. Having arrived nervous, I whole heartedly left feeling inspired. I hope to return to the next Reid Bioforum with a presentation and/or poster myself having gained confidence to present having just attended as a delegate and made a great group of friends and colleagues within the industry.