Jubilee Medal 2018 Winner
Winner: Dr Davy Guillarme The Chromatographic Society is pleased to announce the award of the Jubilee Medal to Dr
Martin Medal 2017 Winner
Winner: Andreas Manz. This year the prestigious Martin medal has been awarded to Professor Andreas Manz from the Freiburg
Jubilee Medal 2017 Winner
Winner: Ulrich Tallarek. This year the Society has awarded the Silver Jubilee medal to Professor Ulrich Tallarek from Philipps-Universität
Martin Medal 2016 Winner – 1
Winner: Peter Myers Peter obtained his B.Sc. in Pure Chemistry 1st Class with Honours in 1969 from the University
Martin Medal 2016 Winner – 2
Winner: Ian Wilson Professor Wilson was born in 1953 and started his career as a biochemist investigating the developmental
Jubilee Medal 2015 Winner
Winner: Mary Jane Wirth Professor Wirth was trained in nonlinear optical spectroscopy completing her Ph.D. in 1978. Over the
Martin Medal 2015 Winner
Winner: Pavel Jandera Professor Pavel Jandera was born in 1944 and has had a proliferic career in the field
Jubilee Medal 2014 Winner
Winner: Michael Lammerhofer Professor Michael Lämmerhofer of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tübingen has been awarded the
Martin Medal 2014 Winner
Winner: Winner Nobuo Tanaka Professor Tanaka’s research is truly multidisciplinary. His work spans research on highly selective stationary phases,
Martin Medal 2013 Winner -1
Winner: Gunther Bonn Professor Günther Bonn was awarded this medal for his sustained and important contribution to the promotion